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Making Time For Exercise

No matter what your lifestyle is like, most people these days are busy. Always running, and not much downtime. So how could you possibly fit exercise in? There’s always a way.

If you work in an office, be sure to stretch your legs and give your eyes a break at least every 2 hours. It’s not only good for a quick round of exercise, but the break in looking at a computer can reduce eye strain and lessen the chance for a headache or other fatigue. Start a group with co-workers, and have set times to stretch or walk- it’s good for everyone!

For stay at home parents, learn to use what you have around the house! Have a new baby? You can use small children or even a bag of rice as a weight and preform several exercises. Squats, lunges, and even resistance for (gentle!) side-to-side twists, to name a few.


If you are in a high-paced line of work that keeps you moving all day, congrats! You’re probably getting more exercise than you think!

Something else that is really helpful is a fitness tracker. There are many options on the market, from high-range on down. Don’t need an extra gadget to forget? Fear not! Most phones have build in function to track your steps, which can be unlocked by fitness apps and widgets. A favorite is My Fitness Pal, which not only tracks steps, but also acts as a food diary and weight loss helper. It is both Apple and Android friendly, so no excuses! 😉52a0fd6e0f335b833100000b

Lastly, don’t overdo it! Sometimes our bodies give off signals that we need to rest. Don’t ignore these! A small headache, a simple cough, even a stress-related bout of hives. All of these are indications that you may be overdoing it in some way. Take a step back and analyze what you could be doing wrong, and be sure to correct it as soon as possible, as they could negatively impact you until it is dealt with. And most importantly, drink plenty of water! On average, most people are not making their daily intake of water, and are causing themselves problems because of it.


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