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Colored Hair: Before You Dye


With the current very popular trend of having colorful dyed hair, everybody is letting their colorful souls out to play! Before you run to your stylist or attempt a home dye job, do you know how to properly care for treated hair? Keep reading for a few helpful tips for before you color your locks.


Hair color that lasts needs a good foundation.


Like painting or applying makeup, everything needs a good strong foundation. This means prior to coloring, you should start a regular conditioning routine, including weekly conditioning at minimum, and monthly or bi-monthly deep conditioning treatments. Coloring your hair makes hair more porous, which causes it to absorb and release moisture more easily. This can cause loss of color molecules every time your hair gets wet.


See a professional if you have any doubts. 


Home dye jobs can easily go wrong. If you are unsure of what to do, please be sure to visit a well trained professional in a salon, and they can help your colored hair dream come true.


Only use quality products.


Using the most affordable products isn’t always the best idea when your hair is concerned. Instead, opt for a product that you have taken the time to research and learn how to properly use the product.


After coloring, shampoo less frequently. 


Shampooing strips the hairs of oils and dirt. To retain those natural oils that help condition your color-treated hair, shampoo just two or three times per week if you must, and never more than every other day. It is best to shampoo once a week however. This will help your color last longer and help maintain health in your colored hair.


Product usage matters on color treated hair.


What you put on your hair will make a difference in the longevity of the color and the long-term health of your hair. Dyed hair requires special attention, so invest in salon-grade products formulated for colored hair. Using color-protecting shampoos and conditioners on color-treated hair can help protect the color and add shine, volume and luster.



Hopefully these tips will help you on your way to gorgeous vibrantly-colored hair, always remember to be gentle, as hair is delicate. Regardless, embrace your colors and have fun! Because hair always grows back, or can be replaced.

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